Susan Gatheral-Graham Commemorative Award

The committee have decided to retire the above award. It will be replaced by two new special perpetual trophies celebrating our Dalmatians and which will be awarded for the first time in 2024. In order to keep commemorating Susan’s memory appropriately , The Susan Gatheral-Graham Trophy will be awarded to the top scoring Liver Dalmatian (Dog or Bitch) achieving the highest score at Championship Shows over one calendar year from 1st January to 31st December. There will be an additional trophy, kindly donated by our Patron, Lord Kirkham, which will be awarded to the top scoring Black Dalmatian (Dog or Bitch). Points will be awarded in both awards as follows – 2 for a Challenge Certificate and 1 for a Reserve Challenge Certificate. In the event of a tie, the number of Best of Breeds will be calculated to determine the awards. Both trophies will be awarded at the AGM held for one year and returned to the next AGM and are confined to NEDC members only, residing in the UK. A keepsake will also be given to those attending who are retiring the trophies.

Susan was throughout her life, a great lover of liver Dalmatians and our Patron Lord Kirkham, has happily owned several black spotted Dalmatians.

The winners of The Susan Gatheral-Graham Award for top scoring Liver Dalmatian (dog or bitch)

2023 Ch Dvojica Chilli Chutney for Wrendragge JW

The winners of The Lord Kirkham Award for top scoring Black Dalmatian (dog or bitch)

2023 Ch Bleize De Montjuic at Winflash (Imp USA)

The winners of The Susan Gatheral-Graham Award as nominated and voted for by the members for outstanding/exceptional contribution to the breed;


Mr. Ernie Patterson


No Doty due to COVID-19 


Mrs Ann Hurst 


Mrs Annie Finlay